12 Commentaires sur “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence – Ryuichi Sakamoto | Kalimba Tutorial (Easy)

  1. Y Kalimba says:

    Hey there! I've made some modifications to the tutorial – an extra layer of music notations at the bottom of the video, let me know what do you think about this new feature!

  2. Kristýna Hamříková says:

    Hi, I really appreciate all your videos with kalimba tutorials and I believe this new thing helps people who try to memorize songs but what I always appreciated most was that there's a lot of space above your 'digital kalimba' so that you can prepare what you will play in a few seconds. Now it's harder for me ☹️
    So I prefered the previous style ❤️

  3. heartcrusher 46 says:

    Hello, I love the new way you display the notes really helps for those trying to learn to read the notes. If I may ask, could you make a tutorial for "alone wolf (violin)" it is one of my most favorite songs on YouTube and I would love to know how to play it.

  4. kebe kebe says:

    the new tab is better thanks for the hard work!

    would like to request a Japanese TV series “Midnight Dining” theme song “midnight dining 思ひで”

    as i couldn’t find anywhere may have this and believe that to play by Kalimba will be wonderful!

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