15 Commentaires sur “Demons – Imagine Dragons | Kalimba Tutorial (Hard)

  1. Tomie Ito says:

    Hello there! I would like to humbly ask if, by any chance, a tutorial could be made for an older anime entitled ".Hack" The song I'm referencing is called "Liminality" composed by Yuki Kajiura. https://youtu.be/YtfyPyT6Qho
    I'm sure if you heard it…. you would understand why I'd like to recommend it. Thank you for your time. Please everyone, be safe out there!

  2. Chef_DarkShadow says:

    Wow! This is so good! Can I suggest Adventure Time songs like Everything Stays and Will Happen, Happening, Happened? Also, songs from Boku no hero academia, like Peace Sign, and Star Marker?

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